It’s no secret that requesting and generating a list of customers or members can be time consuming. You will likely have to reach out to your IT department or an outside agency and tell them the criteria you want in the list. The issue with this, especially when making a request from an agency, is it can take anywhere from a few hours to weeks to receive that list. The bad part about waiting days or weeks is that once you finally receive the list, the data will be outdated. Worse yet, it still needs to be converted into a campaign.

Converting a list into a campaign adds more time to this seemingly simple process. You will have to take your list and upload it into a different provider. While the steps it takes to upload a list to a service provider, like an email service provider like MailChimp, vary, it can be cumbersome, too. You will have to:

  • Format the list correctly
  • Make sure the number of recipients doesn’t exceed your allotted limit
  • Import the list
  • Review the list to make sure it’s correct

This process can take upwards of five minutes, and that’s just importing your list into MailChimp. Once an email campaign has been designed and sent, the email service provider will gather insights from these emails, like open rate and click through rate. However, they rarely record conversions made from an offer. This makes it harder to know if someone signed up or bought something because of a certain campaign.

Fear no more. Core iQ not only generates reports in seconds, it also tracks conversion. Core iQ is connected to your core system and refreshes its data nightly. This, along with the 40+ built-in reports, allows you to generate a specific, customizable report within seconds. No more waiting hours or weeks for your list.

You can save even more time with the ability to turn a generated report into a one-off communication campaign. With a click of a button, you can:

  • Create a one-off campaign
  • Easily assign when the campaign will be sent
  • See what the cost will be
  • Set filters to your list (if needed)
  • Send a proof to yourself and others before the campaign goes live
  • Send the campaign

If your campaign is offering a product or service, the system will track conversions made by a specific offer. Core iQ also records other metrics, such as open rate and click through rate. These metrics are stored within the system for easy reference.

No one likes to waste time. Save some time by creating a list, converting that list into a campaign, and review metrics all within one system.