New Account Survey Questions for Banks and Credit Unions
New account holders can provide you with valuable insight for your financial institution. So, why not ask them a few questions? This particular survey template focuses on how likely they are to recommend you to others, how they heard about your institution, and how satisfied they were with the time it took to open their account.
Timing Tip: We recommend sending this template one to two days after a totally new customer or member opens a new account.

1. How likely is it that you would recommend [INSTITUTION NAME] to a friend or colleague?
If they choose 0 – 6:
We are sorry you are not completely satisfied with our service. Your feedback is very important to us and will be reviewed by our leadership. Please let us know what we can do to improve or better serve your needs.
If they choose 7 – 8:
Thank you! Is there any way we could improve our service or product offerings?
2. How did you first learn of [INSTITUTION NAME]?
Internet Search
Referred by a Friend
Seeing a Branch Location
Community Event
I Was Already a Customer
If they choose OTHER:
Since you selected ‘Other,’ can you tell us what was not an option?
3. Did the amount of time it took to open your new account meet your expectations?
If they choose NO:
We’re sorry the account opening process took longer than you expected. Our leadership reviews these responses. Can you tell us more about your experience?